병원 행정기록관리체계 고찰
Published Online: Dec 30, 2006
This article is aimed at developing Administrative Records Management System of Hospitals. ISO 15489 is suggesting the 8 steps for designing and implementing a records system. Among them, step a∼d, “Preliminary investigation → Analysis of business activity → Identification of requirements for records → Assessment of existing systems” that can draw the fundamental rules for Records Management System are mainly applied. Accordingly, this study suggests that it is needed to establish the detailed processing program and set up the professional agency for the management of hospital administrative records and points out several subjects that require the continuous discussion. First, it is necessary to re-examine the management of medical care records in the view of archival perspective. Second, the Records Management System for the upper level of “Medical Center” should be implemented. Although “Medical Center” do not actually perform medical examination and treatment. Third, the items for assessing the management of hospital administrative records must be inserted in the “Medical Facilities Evaluation”. “Medical Facilities Evaluation” is started in 2004 by the charge of the Ministry of Health and Welfare and Korean Hospital Association. If these fields are added to the “Medical Facilities Evaluation”, it can promote the rapid development of the hospital records management. Last, the national regulations related to the hospital records management must be established. International standards about records management -such as ISO 15489- are too general to apply directly to the individual hospitals. Consequently, more specific and concrete regulations are indispensable.