Merck Manual 1세기(100년)의 역사: 의학정보 제공의 역사
Published Online: Dec 30, 2011
In 1899, the American drug manufacturer Merck & Co. first published a small book titled Merck's Manual of the Materia Medica. It was meant as an aid to physicians and pharmacists, reminding doctors that "Memory is treacherous." By the 1980s, the book had become the world's largest selling medical text and was translated into more than a dozen languages. In 1990, the editors of The Merck Manual introduced The Merck Manual of Geriatrics. This new book quickly became the best-selling textbook of geriatric medicine, providing specific and comprehensive information on the care of older people. In 1997, The Merck Manual of Medical Information-Home Edition was published. In this revolutionary book, the editors translated the complex medical information in The Merck Manual into plain language, producing a book meant for all those people interested in medical care who did not have a medical degree. The Merck Manual of Health & Aging, published in 2004, continued Merck's commitment to education and geriatric care, providing information on aging and the care of older people in words understandable by the lay public. The world's most widely used medical reference now features expanded clinical focus on each category of disorder, as well as more specific guidance on patient examinations.