소규모 도서관에서의 dbase를 이용한 정기 간행물의 입수 및 관리
Published Online: Jun 30, 1992
The main uses of computer in small libraries fall into two categories:
(a) Communications with other computers for information and resource sharing. Online searching services such as Medline services are the most important application of the ficility.
(b) Creation of in-house searchable databases, specific examples of which might include the library’s own catalogue, bibliographical indexes, subject information banks and directory type information. For operating the above mentioned subject, librarians need to have skills in using the computer as a tool in library administration using software for statistical computations etc. The following Dbase Program is for Check-in Periodicals in the Small Library with Personal Comuter. These basic databases will use the resources for Electronic Database Interchange which is a part of interlibrary loan system in future.